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Kassena Nankana Municipal Assembly Provides Basic Schools with Furniture to Enhance Learning

The Kassena Nankana Municipal Assembly (KNMA) has handed over 880 desks to the Municipal Directorate of Education for distribution to schools in the municipality. The event took place on Monday, 27th February 2023, and was led by the Municipal Chief Executive Officer, Hon. Joseph Adongo.

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The donation, consisting of 400 dual desks and 480 hexagonal desks, was presented to help address the challenges that schools in the municipality face with furniture. The provision of the furniture is expected to help improve the learning environment and contribute to better academic outcomes.

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At the ceremony, Hon. Joseph Adongo emphasized the Assembly’s commitment to ensuring quality education in the Municipality. He also charged the Directorate of Education to ensure the desks are fairly distributed to schools that are in real need of them.

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In her response, the Kassena Nankana Municipal Director of Education, Miss Ellen A. Abeere-inga, expressed her gratitude to the Municipal Assembly for their efforts in providing the furniture. She further pledged that the desks would be put to judicious use to help enhance the learning experience for pupils.

The donation of the furniture is part of the KNMA’s ongoing efforts to improve the quality of education in the municipality. The Assembly is also working to improve infrastructure in schools and to provide resources to teachers to help them deliver better instruction.

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This donation has been widely applauded by parents, teachers, and community leaders who have praised the Assembly for its commitment to improving the education sector in the municipality. It is hoped that this donation will help to inspire other stakeholders to make similar contributions towards enhancing the quality of education in Ghana.


About Justin Blocker

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