
Science Reveals the perfect Age for Marriage: Here’s What You Need to Know

Science is often sought to guide in making important life decisions, such as the ideal age for marriage. The fear of missing out or being left behind can lead to a rush to find a life partner, especially among women who are told that their fertility has an expiration date. However, according to the “37 percent” rule proposed by journalist Brian Christian and cognitive scientist Tom Griffiths in their book “Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions,” the best age to get married is 26. The authors suggest that people make the best decisions after screening 37% of the available options, which usually occurs around age 26 for those looking for a life partner. This is because by this age, individuals have typically completed their education and started a career, and their brains are fully developed, providing them with the necessary conflict management strategies for a healthy, successful marriage down the road.

Psychologist Wyatt Fisher believes that the late 20s is the sweet spot for getting married, while clinical social worker Kelsey Torgerson thinks it is crucial to wait until age 25 when the brain is fully developed. Meanwhile, relationship therapist Weena Cullins suggests that the ideal age for women in the U.S. to get married is 28, as they have had enough time to explore themselves on personal and professional levels and learn from mistakes made in previous relationships. For men, Cullins recommends waiting until age 32 to settle into a career and develop socially and emotionally.

It is important to note that while science and math can provide some guidance, there is still no guaranteed formula for a successful marriage. Ultimately, the decision to get married and the timing of it should be based on individual circumstances and personal readiness.


About Justin Blocker

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