rape file

Teacher Trainee Allegedly impregnants Headmistress, four teachers, and 24 of his Pupils Whiles On Teaching Practice.

Information sourced from Voltawebpage by TimBia GH reveals that a teacher trainee stationed in the Asokore Mampong Municipality to do his mandatory teaching practice has impregnated his headmistress, four colleague teachers, and 24 of his pupils.

The Ghana Education Service and Ghana Tertiary Education Commission(GTEC) rules prohibit student-teachers from misconducting themselves in ways that do not augur well for the smooth running of schools. It is, for this reason, that teacher\’s Guides are given to teachers to guide their Practice.

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However, reports gathered from the Ashanti Region reveal that a teacher trainee in Teaching Practice in one of the Basic Schools in the Asokore Mampong Municipality has impregnated 24 of his learners. The trainee whose name is withheld also allegedly impregnated four female teachers and the headmistress. 

The Asokore Mampong community members caught wind of the sexual escapee of the teacher trainee and reported it to the Municipal Police Command who effected an arrest. 

Source: Voltawebpage.com


About Dezmond

Desmond Kampoe is a professional trained teacher, digital content creator, and web developer who is deeply interested in social development. With his diverse skill set and passion for education and technology, he has made significant contributions to the field of education and digital content creation.

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