Tangoba Abayage

The Unyielding Spirit of Tangoba Abayage: A June-born Heroine

June-born individuals are often celebrated for their unique blend of qualities that set them apart. They are characterized by their vibrant energy, resilience, and nurturing nature. These unique qualities are beautifully embodied by Tangoba Abayage, born on June 30, 1964, whose extraordinary contributions to her community in Navrongo reflect the dynamic spirit of June-borns. They have a natural ability to care for others and are often found in roles where they can make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Tangoba is a politician, educator, diplomat, and philanthropist who does much more for the community than just being a politician. She promoted women’s development through skill-training programs, helped improve road infrastructure during her time in office, and assisted in drilling boreholes for underprivileged communities. Her enormous influence on education, though, is what sticks out.

For instance, Naaga Primary School in Navrongo, Upper East, was a symbol of hopelessness and neglect as of 2019. The deteriorating building was a serious threat to the teachers and students who risked it every day to seek an education. TV3 Ghana was even drawn to the school’s terrible state and used the opportunity to highlight the urgent need for assistance in their documentary. The state of the school posed difficulties in delivering lessons and also affected the attendance of students.

Naaga primary before

Tangoba Abayage, the then Upper East Regional Minister was moved by the sincere pleas for assistance made by Naaba Orlando II, the chief of Naaga, and Robert Ayesiyinga the head teacher at the school. With unyielding resolve, she took action to alter the course of events at Naaga Primary School.

To construct a new classroom block, Tangoba first attracted a private donor, thanks to her extensive network and dedication to community development. Regretfully, the donor was forced to withdraw due to threats. Relentless in the face of this setback, Tangoba turned to the GNPC Foundation for support, and they agreed to build a six-unit classroom project.

Naaga primary construction

The sod cutting for this groundbreaking project took place in 2019. Despite Tangoba’s exit from office as Regional Minister in March 2021, her commitment to the project made sure it would go forward. Despite encountering delays, Tangoba largely followed up, ensured the completion and hand over of the new school building in September 2023. The only thing the well-furnished classrooms lacked were marker boards, which Tangoba quickly collaborated with Naaga community members to set up.

Naaga Primary New Building

Tangoba Abayage’s energetic and resilient spirit is demonstrated by her continuous dedication to her community, particularly in the area of education. Her commitment and never-ending work have turned Naaga Primary School from a death trap to a source of knowledge and hope for the children.

Tangoba encounters obstacles in her pursuit to honor promises, but her determination never falters. Her deeds have improved many people’s lives and opened the door to a better future, leaving an enduring impression on communities. Cheers to Tangoba Abayage’s birthday! Her influence, vibrant personality, and kind heart will live on forever.


About Dezmond

Desmond Kampoe is a professional trained teacher, digital content creator, and web developer who is deeply interested in social development. With his diverse skill set and passion for education and technology, he has made significant contributions to the field of education and digital content creation.

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