fake police officer

Police Officers Invades Kajelo Community And Allegedly Sets A Young Man’s Motorbike On Fire.

Police officers with the Paga police command in the kassena Nankana West District on 18th November 2021 invaded Kajelo community and allegedly brutalized and set a young man’s motorbike on fire. This happened because some area youth allegedly removed the police checkpoint, which angered the police officers to invade the community. 

Speaking to TimBia Gh, the assembly member for the Kajelo electoral area, Hon. Hillary Aniakwo expressed disappointment with the attitude of the Ghana police service personnel who came into the community with no suspects to pick up over the alleged removal of the checkpoint by the youth. 

ALSO READ: Father Shot Son To Death Over Wood in Kajelo, Kassena Nankana West  

Mr. Hilary stated that the said checkpoint is not even in Kajelo but in Baloo/Kayilo. Still, the police officers instead invaded his community with no suspects in mind to pick up. 

He also indicated, a passer-by from Gia, another community at the far end of Kajelo, was riding through the Kajelo-Baloo route when he came face to face with the police officers. At the sight of the police officers harassing some young men allegedly, the individual decided to abscond, leaving his motorbike behind. The police, unable to get him, allegedly set his motorbike on fire.

I received word that there were lots of police officers in my community, and any young man caught on sight was made to kneel or undergo some disciplinary workout instantly. I rushed to find out what was going on. I introduced myself to the police officers as the assembly member for the area and confronted the divisional police commander to ascertain what was going on. But none of them even regarded me or gave me an audience. One of the subordinate police officers told me, “Who am I to come and question them. I also found out that a young man from Gia riding through the Kajelo-Baloo/Kayilo route had his motorbike set on fire by the police. I cannot understand why the police did not arrest people they suspect to be culpable but decided to brutalize every young man who was caught on sight.” Hon Hillary stated.

Meanwhile, at the time of filing this report, the Paga police command has not issued any statement about their alleged invasion of the kajelo community.


About Dezmond

Desmond Kampoe is a professional trained teacher, digital content creator, and web developer who is deeply interested in social development. With his diverse skill set and passion for education and technology, he has made significant contributions to the field of education and digital content creation.

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